ADS-B What is flying overhead?

SDR Software Defined Radio ADB-S ADBS Data Modes SDRPlay RSPdx Software

ADS-B - Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast

ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast this process periodically transmits information from an aircraft with no pilot or operator involvement required. This broadcast transmits flight information and is available to anyone with the appropriate receiving equipment, I use the SDRPlay SRD with the ADB-S plugin that comes with SDRUno along with the open-source project Virtual Radar Server makes for an interesting visual of the air traffic in your area.

I am down in the South East of the United Kingdom and I am able to pick up traffic from the English Channel, Sussex & Kent most days and occasionally down to the Channel Islands and up around Gatwick & Heathrow.

This is all picked up via the indoor Moonraker Skyscan Desktop Scanner Antenna.

This is the SDRUno software running the ADBS Plugin.

SRDUno running the ADB-S plugin

This is the Virtual Radar Server running locally on my desktop.

Virtual Server Radar

This is a view of the data coming in via the ADB-S plugin as served up by Virtual Radar Server.

Virtual Server Radar - Web page

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